How ‘Screenplay of an Indian Love Story’ Happened – with Director KL Prasad

SCREENPLAY OF AN INDIAN LOVE STORY by Mr. KL Prasad is a women-centric movie and deals with emotions of a woman and how she lives and succeeds in a man-dominated world. Divya Jay (CIFF Team) talks to him to understand how he chose the subject for his movie and what inspires him the most when it comes to filmmaking.
Divya Jay: Tell us about your movie and what motivated you to make it!
Mr. KL Prasad: My film is shown through the eyes of a modern Indian woman. When I was in college I was an introvert and used to keep to myself that’s when an English song attracted me very much; it is a song called Woman is the Nigger of the World by John Lennon. The song says ‘Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is, If you don’t believe me take a look to the one you’re with’. That line I feel is dedicated to every woman and how we need to understand things from her point of view also.
Divya Jay: Who and what was your source of inspiration to become a filmmaker?
Mr. KL Prasad: My father is a very short tempered man. One day he came up to me and gave me 1 rupee and asked me to go to watch a Hindi film. The movie was V Shantaram’s Navarang! A musical movie about a poet & his imagination. The movie inspired me so much that on my way back home as I walking I decided I wanted to become a filmmaker! Akira Kurosawa’s movies have also inspired and motivated me a lot!
My wife and my kids have been very understanding of my career decision and have supported me at all times.
Divya Jay: Do you have a message for the budding filmmakers?
Mr. KL Prasad: As a Screenplay Writer and Director, I would tell them to read classics and keep learning and observing from around you a lot. As an Actor, I tell to be realistic, practice and observe; do not blindly follow other’s style and develop a style of your own; that’s what can make you very successful in life. The 2 places in Chennai where I got to read a lot about screenplay writings are American Consulate and British Council libraries.