Set during the Prague Spring and the subsequent Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, the film follows the international news office at Czechoslovak Radio. The narrative centers on a group of talented individuals who, amidst political upheaval, grapple with the moral dilemma of whether to sacrifice their personal safety to uphold the truth. The film explores themes of political freedom, personal integrity, and the power of media during times of crisis.
Jiří Mádl is a Czech actor, director, and screenwriter. He gained prominence for his role in the 2008 film Night Owls (Přežít svůj život), which earned him the Best Actor award at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Mádl has appeared in numerous films such as The Country Teacher (Učitel tance) and The Fox (Liška). His notable work includes his debut film Raising a Bar (Mocní a bezmocní), which explores political and social themes. He is also known for his satirical works, including a 2010 parody of Sarah Silverman’s election commercial. Mádl has received critical acclaim for his contributions to Czech cinema and his unique voice in both acting and directing.
Cast & Crew
Director – Jiří Mádl Producer – Monika Kristlová Cinematographer – Martin Žiaran Editor – Filip Malásek Music – Simon Goff Cast – Vojtěch Vodochodský, Vojtěch Kotek, Táňa Pauhofová,