Abandoned by her mother, 13-year-old Maria is forced to live with her grandmother in a bleak industrial town. During a violent clash on the street, Maria meets Kristina,a girl of the same age who is striving to become a fashion model. Trying to get closer to her, Maria enrolls in a mysterious modeling school, where the girls are preparing for the biggest casting event in the region. Her ambiguous relationship with Kristina and the intense, cult-like environment of the modeling school forceMaria on a quest to discover her own identity.
Saulė Bliuvaitė (born 1994) is a Lithuanian film director and screenwriter. For her feature film debut Toxic (2024), she won the Golden Leopard at the Locarno Film Festival.Bliuvaitė’s international breakthrough was her feature film debut Toxic (2024). The drama is about two 13-year-old girls who want to escape their desolate and hopeless Lithuanian hometown. To do so, they push their bodies to the limit in a modeling school. The screenplay for the film is based on Bliuvaitė’s own experiences as a teenager.
Cast & Crew
Director – Mahdi Fleifel Cinematography – Thodoris Mihopoulos Editor – Halim Sabbah Music – Nadah El Shazly Producer – Geoff Arbourne, Mahdi Fleifel Cast – Mahmood Bakri, Aram Sabbagh, Mohammad Alsurafa, Angeliki Papoulia