In 2022, Non Khun village in Sisaket faced chaos after Baikhao, a pregnant woman, hanged herself over love, haunting the locals. Siang, her ex-boyfriend and a former monk, left the monkhood, determined to confront her ghost. Meanwhile, Joed, a recent law graduate, reluctantly became the village undertaker after his father, Sak, fell ill. Despite fearing ghosts, Joed and Siang turned to Sak for the secret astral travel ritual, hoping to uncover the truth behind Baikhao’s restless spirit.
Thiti Srinual is a Thai director known for his work is known for The Undertaker (2023), Thibaan the Series: Doctor Plawan (2022) and Thibaan × BNK48 (2020) in both film and television. He gained recognition for his distinctive style and storytelling ability. Srinual’s films often explore human emotions, relationships, and social issues with a touch of realism and depth.