“Otta” is the thrilling saga of two young men and their unexpected journey towards an unforeseen future. Amidst the tumultuous relationship with their parents, Hari and Ben embark on a personal journey where actions and reactions spiral out of control. In the end, the realisation of life slipping through their hands dawns upon them. This coming-of-age human drama intertwines real-life events with a fictional portrayal of parallel lives, creating a perfect recipe for a rapidly evolving cinematic sensibility.
Academy Award-winning sound designer and mixer Resul Pookutty has had a distinguished career in cinema. With a significant portfolio of high-profile films and a plethora of prestigious awards, including an Oscar for his work on the global hit ” Slumdog Millionaire,” Millionaire,” he stands as one of the most recognized Indian sound designers worldwide. Venturing into film direction with his upcoming project, Resul has garnered substantial interest from Hollywood. He commands respect across the globe for his leadership and creative prowess. Having contributed to some of modern cinema’s biggest movies, he enjoys goodwill within the film industry, along with strong connections to award-winning crew members and industry giants. Above all, he is a visionary creative force.