In the peaceful village of Purushothapalli, West Godavari, a close-knit group of friends-Shiva (Sandeep Saroj), Surya (Yaswanth Pendyala), Subbu (Thrinadh Varma), William (Eshwar Rachiraju), Peddodu (Prasad Behara) and others- share an unbreakable bond. But a sudden dispute between them sends shockwaves throughout the village, disrupting their lives and the community’s harmony. What caused this fallout among the friends? How did their conflict affect the village and its culture? Will they reconcile? And what role does Bujji (Sai Kumar) play in this unfolding drama? The answers will be unveiled on the big screen.
Shouryuv is a filmmaker and writer from India who mainly works in the Telugu Film Industry. Originally from Vishakhapatnam city, after his M.B.B.S studies, he transitioned into films. He first started as an associate writer with renowned writer V. Vijayendra Prasad (the writer of the Oscar Winning film RRR) before moving on to make his debut film “Hi Dad”.