Season of Love is a film that portrays the evolution of young love over time, focusing on the lives of Şirin and Ali Yaman. Their journey begins in the picturesque island of Bozcada during their childhood. As they grow older, their bond becomes unbreakable, yet their emotions never align perfectly with the “season of love” at various points in their lives. The film delves into the complexities of love, highlighting the conflicting aspects of love and happiness and how time and external factors can impact their bond, even when their emotions diverge.
Murat Şeker is a prominent Turkish film director, screenwriter, and producer born in Istanbul. He graduated from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and has directed a variety of films that blend comedy, drama, and romance. Known for his Çakallarla Dans film series, he has also directed the 2024 romantic drama Season of Love (Aşk Mevsimi), which explores the complexities of love over time. His works often resonate with Turkish audiences for their relatable narratives and humor.
Cast & Crew
Director – Murat Seker Producer – Murat Seker Cinematographer – Tufan Kılınç Editor – Çagri Türkkan Music – Serhat Ersöz Cast – Dilan Çiçek Deniz, Cem Yigit Üzümoglu, Firat Tanis, Duygu Sarisin