In the late 1980s, Rose, a determined single mother, relocates from the Ivory Coast to Paris with her two young sons, Jean and Ernest, in search of a better future. Spanning two decades, the film chronicles the joys and struggles of their journey as they navigate life in a new country. It delves deeply into the evolving dynamics of their family, capturing moments of unity and conflict while exploring themes of identity, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her children.
Born in Lyon, Léonor Serraille studied at La Fémis and earned a master’s degree in general and comparative literature from Sorbonne-Nouvelle University in 2013. Her debut feature film, Montparnasse Bienvenue, received critical acclaim at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival, where she was awarded the prestigious Caméra d’Or for Best First Feature. The film also earned the Best French Feature Film award at the 6th Champs-Élysées Film Festival in Paris, solidifying Serraille’s reputation as a talented filmmaker.
Cast & Crew
Director – Léonor Serraille Producer – Sandra da Fonseca Cinematography – Hélène Louvart Editor – Clémence Carré Music – Clément Badin Cast – Annabelle Lengronne, Stéphane Bak, Kenzo Sambin