Maharaja follows the story of Maharaja, a quiet barber in Chennai whose wife dies in a truck accident, leaving his daughter, Jothi, to survive, protected by a dustbin named “Lakshmi.” Years later, Maharaja reports a robbery involving the dustbin, which leads him to a path of revenge. He discovers that his daughter was assaulted by criminals, including Selvam, a man with a hidden past. The film reveals family secrets and culminates in a powerful confrontation between Maharaja and Selvam, with tragic consequences.
Indian screenwriter and filmmaker Nithilan Saminathan is employed in the Tamil cinema business. Kurangu Bommai, his debut film, and Maharaja, one of the highest-grossing Tamil films of 2024, are his most well-known works. In 2017, Nithilan made his directorial debut with Kurangu Bommai. Its directing and storyline were praised. On June 14, 2024, Nithilan’s second film, Maharaja, starring Vijay Sethupathi, was released following a seven-year break.