Set in the fictional 1970s Tamil Nadu, an aspiring police officer is wrongfully framed for multiple murders and goes undercover as Ray Dasan, a filmmaker aiming to create an Oscar-worthy gangster biopic. He infiltrates the gang of eccentric ivory-smuggling gangster Allius Caesar, who dreams of becoming a film “Hero.” Despite his tough facade, Ray is terrified of blood. After discovering that Caesar is the real perpetrator of the murders he’s accused of, Ray devises a plan to pit Caesar against a powerful adversary. This leads to a perilous clash between crime and cinema, revealing the politics preying on marginalized lives. “Jigarthanda DoubleX” celebrates the transformative power of cinema.
Karthik Subbaraj, is an Indian Film Director,Film Producer and Screenwriter working mainly in Tamil cinema. He made his directorial debut with Pizza starring Vijay Sethupathi.
Cast & Crew
Director Karthik Subbaraj
Producer Kaarthekeyen Santhanam , S Kathiresan, Alankar Pandian