Felix, a high rescue specialist, brings down suiciders from bridges in a city in crisis. His son, who secretly makes videos of dangerous rescues and sells them to TV, blames his father for the loss of his mother. As Felix tries to reconnect with his son and help people at any cost, dramatic events unfold. When a rescue goes tragically wrong, Felix becomes the subject of public scrutiny, forcing him to confront his own vulnerabilities. Amid the chaos, father and son must find a way to heal their fractured relationship before it’s too late.
András Fésös, born on May 2, 1963, in Budapest, Hungary, is a distinguished director and actor known for his unique storytelling and captivating performances. He gained recognition for his work in Balra a nap nyugszik (2000), Control (2003), and Három séta (2005). Fésös’ films often explore complex human emotions and relationships, showcasing his ability to blend narrative depth with visual style. In addition to acting as a director, he has also acted in numerous Hungarian films and TV series. His contribution to Hungarian cinema has made him respected in both the national and international film community.