Lovely and Jean Antony, a blissfully married couple residing in different countries, find their world disrupted when Jean visits Lovely in London. The couple, along with their adorable one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, becomes embroiled in a legal conflict stemming from their unfamiliarity with the intricacies of London’s legal system. Jean, a police officer in Kerala, and Lovely, a nurse in London, navigate through the challenges, ultimately triumphing over the crisis and reuniting as a resilient family.
Bino Augustine is an Indian film artist, who has worked predominantly in the Malayalam movie industry. Bino is best known for his work on Big Ben (2024), a film that has garnered attention for its engaging narrative and impressive execution. As a director, Bino Augustine continues to explore new cinematic horizons, establishing himself as a promising and influential figure in the Malayalam film industry.