Andrea, a small-town policewoman seeking a fresh start, accidentally runs over her drunk, not-yet-divorced husband while driving home. In shock, she flees the scene, and later learns that Franz, a religion teacher and recovered alcoholic, has taken the blame, believing he was the one who hit the victim. As the village supports Franz’s confession, he spirals back into alcoholism, while Andrea works to erase all traces of her involvement. As the pressure builds, she struggles with her guilt. Ultimately, Andrea confronts the truth and takes responsibility for the fatal accident.
Josef Hader is an Austrian comedian, actor, and filmmaker, known for his stand-up shows and tragicomic plays like Indien, which launched his career. He became a leading figure in German-speaking comedy with shows like Privat, the most successful Austrian comedy of all time. Hader has starred in successful films such as Komm, süßer Tod and Silentium, and won numerous awards, including Best Actor at the Locarno Film Festival. He is also a regular guest on popular German comedy shows, boosting his fame in Germany.