Adult Best Friends (2024), directed by Delaney Buffet, follows Katie, a levelheaded woman who takes her codependent best friend Delaney on a girls’ trip to break the news that she’s getting married. As they embark on the journey, old tensions and insecurities resurface, challenging their friendship. What was meant to be a celebration quickly turns into a whirlwind of emotional revelations and humorous mishaps. The film explores the complexities of growing up, change, and the enduring bond of friendship.
Delaney Buffet is an emerging director and writer known for her insightful storytelling and unique ability to explore complex human relationships. With a passion for blending humor and emotion, Buffet’s work often delves into themes of friendship, identity, and personal growth. Her 2024 film Adult Best Friends has garnered attention for its fresh take on adult relationships, navigating the ups and downs of lifelong friendships. Buffet’s ability to capture raw, relatable moments has established her as a promising voice in contemporary filmmaking.
Cast & Crew
Director – Delaney Buffett Producer – Delaney Buffett, Marie Nikolova Cinematographer – Jessica Pantoja Editor – Ian Holden Music – Alexandra Kalinowski Cast – Delaney Buffett, Hannah Campbell, Carmen Christopher