In the movie Manoj Kumar Sharma, an IPS officer, Manoj Kumar Sharma, courageously decides to restart his academic journey to pursue his dream of cracking the UPSC exam. Leaving behind his established career, he enters a world of intense competition alongside millions of aspiring candidates. Through challenges and personal growth, Manoj discovers the true essence of perseverance, sacrifice, and success, proving that it’s never too late to chase your dreams.
Vidhu Vinod Chopra (born September 5, 1952, in Srinagar, India) is a renowned producer-director. After studying at the Film and Television Institute of India, his debut, Murder at Monkey Hill (1976), won a National Award. His documentary An Encounter with Faces (1978) was nominated for an Academy Award and won the Grand Prix at the Tampere Film Festival. Notable films include Sazaaye Maut (1981), Khamosh, Parinda, 1942: A Love Story, Kareeb, and Mission Kashmir. Chopra wrote and produced Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. (2003), followed by the hit sequel Lage Raho Munna Bhai (2006), and produced Parineeta (2005). He directed Eklavya: The Royal Guard (2007) and produced 3 Idiots (2009), India’s highest-grossing film until 2017.